
Sheryl Crow on kids, parenting, love & food

Sheryl Crow talks openly about life with her boys, dating and single-parenthood and more

By Haley Overland
Sheryl Crow on kids, parenting, love & food

Back in 2007  Grammy-winning Sheryl Crow (49) moved from Los Angeles to a 154-acre ranch just outside of Nashville in order to get closer to nature. After her breast cancer diagnosis in 2006, she decided this move was healthiest for her and her family. And it's obviously working for her. She has two ADORABLE sons, Wyatt (4) and Levi (1). And they're all GORJ!

These days Sheryl's singing with the horses and chickens -- and, likely, while she and her boys weed their very own organic gardens. She also recently released her latest album 100 Miles from Memphis (July 2010) and co-wrote the much-buzzed-about cookbook If It Makes You Healthy, which I cannot wait to check out.

Here are some interesting and inspiring snippets from an exclusive interview Sheryl did with the lovely peeps at Prevention Magazine (on stands now)....

On her parenting style....

I’m strict. I think one thing that is missing now with kids is that hierarchy of adults not being friends, even though ultimately that’s what you want with your kids. They have to understand that somebody’s in charge and sometimes the answer is no. It’s about being consistent.

On raising boys....

I never thought I’d be raising a boy by myself. Now that I’m three and a half years in and I see Wyatt going into a little testosterone phase I’m like, Whoa! But he has great role models. He sees his two uncles and his granddad often and my farm manager on a daily basis.

On the need to say no to your kids....

I really think that you do them a disservice when they get out into the world and they realize they’re not entitled to have everything. I think we’ve gotten to that place where parenting has been equated with making a child happy.

On the healing power of saying no....

I think one of the reasons I got ill is that I ran my business and everything else in my life with the concept that everybody had to be happy, and everybody’s needs came before mine. I really learned my lesson with this breast cancer diagnosis. Just the act of saying no is showing yourself respect.

On dating (producer Doyle Bramhall) with kids....

I’ve been in the situation where I’ve been involved with people and their kids, and if the relationship doesn’t work out, it’s heartbreak. So I’m keeping the relationship friend-based when we’re around the kids. Luckily, we have a great foundation, having known each other for fifteen years.

On kids and gardening....

I have two really big organic gardens, which are challenging for me! Now that we know what we know about the dangers of chemicals and pesticides, they’re much more work because you have to be dedicated to weeding. But the kids love being in the garden. It’s great to have them understand that what comes out of the earth has everything to do with how the body thrives as well.

On food and the kids....

It’s also important to me that my children eat the same dishes I do. That’s the way it was when I was a kid. I remember when one of us would complain about wanting
something other than what we were having for that meal. My mother would say, "Do I look like a shortorder cook?" That’s why I love dishes like Chuck’s corn chowder with truffle oil, which has popcorn sprinkled on top. What kid doesn’t love popcorn? I know Wyatt does, and meanwhile, we’re eating healthfully.”

For more deets, check out May's Prevention Magazine!

She's a cool cat, that Sheryl Crow. I loved this...!

xo Haley-O

Photo & source: Prevention Magazine

This article was originally published on May 12, 2011

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