Selma Blair and Jason Bleick took their baby Arthur to the park. The careful mom took to Twitter to talk "jumperoos"
Fame Pictures
Yesterday (Sunday) was a park day for Selma Blair, her boyfriend Jason Bleick and their 4.5-month-old baby Arthur Saint.
Cute! I loved it when my babies were ready to enjoy the swing for the first time.... But then, as they got older, and my right bicep muscle started to BURN from pushing and pushing and pushing that pesky swing, it got a little old ? but nevertheless always so sweet!
Cautious Selma has no problem pushing adorable "baby Saint" on the swing, but she recently tweeted about her hesitation around baby jumpers:
"Good morning. I have decided no jumperoos or such for baby. No jumping til he can jump. What do other mommies think?"
Apparently, she was worried about too much "spinal strain." But she later tweeted that her pediatrician was cool with it: "...ped. Just said he does jumpy motions in my arms and in lap so jumperoo is fine. Ha. So what do I know... Innnneresting..."
I definitely put my babies in a jumper before they were jumping (or even walking), and they both loved it! Loads of entertainment (for all of us)! How about you?
xo Haley-O
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