
Procrastinating with Clive Owen

Well, Haley's not really procrastinating, but every time she looks through the evening's celeb photos, she gets very distracted by THIS (four new photos of CLIVE!)

By Haley Overland
Procrastinating with Clive Owen Photos by API/FameFlynet Pictures

UPDATE: *Psssst! The gallery is now done! Go on and check out my fave celeb-parent fashions from the 2012 Grammys!

I'm TRYING to work and source photos for my Grammy Awards gallery,* and all I keep seeing are THESE photos of Clive Owen!


It's a bit of a problem. I can't stop looking at them. Can't seem to get past them to the Grammy photos (if I have any yet..., not sure).

So I guess I better just get them all out of my system by sharing the photos with you. (And, just so we're clear, you all know how much I love my Clive, right? My birthday boyfriend? My shark? My *swoon*? My subliiiiime?)

OK, checkit.

Here's CLIVE, my CLIVE, at a press conference for Shadow Dancer (co-starring Gillian Anderson, of all people) at the Berling International Film Festival (BIFF)....

First, serious Clive....

Procrastinating with Clive Owen  

Clapping Clive (isn't it amazing!)....

Procrastinating with Clive Owen  

Smiling Clive....

Procrastinating with Clive Owen  

I can't even deal.

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Feb 13, 2012

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