
Pregnant doctor delivers baby just hours before giving birth herself

Amanda Hess, an OB/GYN in Frankfort, Kentucky, put her delivery on hold to help deliver the baby of another mother at the same hospital.

Pregnant doctor delivers baby just hours before giving birth herself

Photo: WKYT

A pregnant OB/GYN in Frankfort, Kentucky is already claiming the title of supermom for helping deliver a baby just hours before giving birth herself. Amanda Hess was preparing to be induced when she discovered that a patient of hers, Leah Halliday Johnson, was also in labour at the same hospital.

Hess came to the rescue of fully dilated Johnson in the absence of her on-call doctor, who was on his way back to the hospital after leaving for a break. Hess and her husband heard Johnson's screams and the mom-to-be knew she had to step in to help deliver the baby in distress with no time to spare.

"I just put on another gown to cover up my backside and put on some boots over my shoes to keep from getting any fluid and all that stuff on me, and went down to her room and I knew her," said the doctor in an interview with WKYT, a Kentucky news station.

Johnson was relieved to see a familiar face and move the birthing process along. There was no stopping the expectant mother who was ready to push and meet her bundle of joy. A few hours after delivering Johnson's baby, Hess gave birth to her own baby girl.

"I love doing what I do. I love taking care of mothers and babies," said Hess. "Most doctors are always thinking of their patients, even when they're a patient themselves." A nice idea, but we think she's probably being a bit too humble.


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