
Nick Lachey & Vanessa Minnillo: MARRIED!

By HaleyO
Photo: Broadimage / Rex Features Photo: Broadimage / Rex Features

We've been hearing about their impending marriage for what seems like years already. But they finally did it! The former boy-band frontman and reality-TV star, ex-husband to Jessica Simpson AND current host of The Sing-Off, Nick Lachey (37), and model/actress Vanessa Minnillo (30) tied the knot earlier today.

Yes, after a 400-year-long engagement, they are finally married. According to Us Weekly, the gorj couple exchanged vows atop a "cliff overlooking the ocean on Necker Island." The whole thing was crazy romantic. Us says they "arrived to the island on Tuesday via a private jet. The wedding was extremely small and close family only."

We can definitely expect babies soon from these two. As Nick told Parade Magazine just last month, I'm assuming fatherhood is going to be a hundred times more intense than being a Big Brother, but watching a life develop in front of you is a bit of a parallel. I'm certainly looking towards it. I'd like to be a dad sooner than later. I'm getting up there. I've gotta catch up with my brother. He's got two and I've got zero, so the pressure is on me! Congrats! Here's to 400 more years together!


xo Haley-O


Source: Us Magazine

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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