
More on Tori Spelling's surprise fourth pregnancy!

Apparently the fourth pregnancy was a surprise! And Tori, who's already showing, and her hubby Dean McDermott couldn't be happier about it.

By Haley Overland
More on Tori Spelling's surprise fourth pregnancy! Photos by Diane Cohen/FameFlynet Pictures

As you know, Tori Spelling, 38, just gave birth to little Hattie back in October, and, as you can see, she's good and preggers with her fourth child! (If the photo, left, still isn't showing up, scroll down for another one. Celebrity Candy's being all feisty tonight!)

Tori held a book signing for her latest book, CelebraTori (which I'm not quite sure how to pronounce — CElebraTori, or CeLEbraTori?), and look at how gorj! 

I was just listening to an interview with her the other morning. The girl loves being pregnant, and she just loves kids. She said she relishes her career as a reality TV star because she gets to be with her family all the time. Nice!

She also said she likes that people can get to know her on her own terms through her reality shows, vs. the media. Makes sense!

So, I think we can expect at least one more baby from her and Dean. And they do make adorable children. I know because I've seen them in person!

Her latest book looks pretty cool if you're into elaborate DIY birthday parties — or, perhaps, if you're a reality TV star and have a crew standing around filming your elaborate craft projects.

Oh, and Gorgeouses, get this: Apparently, this fourth pregnancy was a surprise for Tori and Dean. They found out Tori was pregnant when she went to the emergency room to treat a migraine headache. Due to hospital policies, she was asked to pee in a cup and, lo and behold — preggers!

More on Tori Spelling's surprise fourth pregnancy!  

And she's never looked better.

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Apr 04, 2012

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