
More Hugh Jackman Frolicking (in the ocean!)

Because I know you loves the Hugh Jackman frolicking, I bring you MORE Hugh Jackman frolicking. This time he's frolicking in the ocean with kidlets Ava (6) and Oscar (11), and -- le *swoon* -- looking gorjly RIPPED.

Hugh and the fam are vacationing in stunning Saint Tropez, France, and obviously loving the ocean waves. But, are you ready for some FROLIC? Checkit....

By Haley Overland
More Hugh Jackman Frolicking (in the ocean!)

Because I know you loves the Hugh Jackman frolicking, I bring you MORE Hugh Jackman frolicking. This time he's frolicking in the ocean with kidlets Ava (6) and Oscar (11), and -- le *swoon* -- looking gorjly RIPPED.

Hugh and the fam are vacationing in stunning Saint Tropez, France, and obviously loving the ocean waves. But, are you ready for some FROLIC? Checkit....

More Hugh Jackman Frolicking (in the ocean!)  

FROLIC! And are you ready for the pièce de résistance (a phrase I never use but is totally apropos -- and clearly I have had too much sun today...)? CHECKIT!

More Hugh Jackman Frolicking (in the ocean!)  

Oh. Yeahh.


xo Haley-O

Photos: Fame Pictures

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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