UPDATE: Apparently this was a prank, said Nick on his radio show. Blergh. I am not liking April Fool's Day because I just got PRANKED! But, part of me believes Mariah IS in labour or she will be later today -- just wait, Gorgeouses. I keep you POSTED!
This just in. Mariah Carey (42) is now -- right now -- in labour. #DEMBABIES are coming #DEMBABIES are coming!
For those of you who don't know, #dembabies is the hashtag for Mariah's babies on twitter....
ANYWAY! Mariah's in labour in LA and, apparently, her hubby Nick Cannon (30) is rushing to meet her on a plane -- which I'm guessing is really a private #dembabies jet that was constructed specifically for this purpose.
Haha! Did I get you? But no, she really is in labour! THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE. So I guess I got you again, did I? BWAHAHA! I'm terrible at this. A-ny-way!
As Nick just tweeted, “How cool would it be if my children were born on April Fool’s Day!?”
Def. Definitely cool. That's how cool it would be.
xo Haley-O
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