It's been a while since we've seen little Suri, and look how big she's grown
...And her mom, Katie Holmes still doesn't mind carrying her home to their apartment after a long day in NYC, yesterday.
But wow, has she grown. In another year she'll be taller than her dad, Tom Cruise. Ohhh, that was bad. But it IS coming from me, who's barely 5'1" for the record. So it's allowed. But it does look like Suri's inherited her mom's lovely height gene.
And in the meantime, yes, they're still carrying Suri. But we did get this rare photo of the now taller 5.5-year-old walking on her own two feet, leaving the NYC apartment on the same day, in a cute little pyjama-like jumpsuit, pretty gold ballet flats and yet another blanket (that Katie's holding)....
Such a little superstar!
xo Haley-O
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