Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are now officially divorced.
Katie with Soph on her first birthday.
It's official. After five years of marriage, Katie Holmes, 33, and Tom Cruise, 50, are officially dunzo.
The case was closed yesterday (Monday) in an NYC court. And is it just me, or is this (month and a half) record timing for a divorce?
As we know, Katie and Tom's lawyers came to a settlement just days after Katie filed for divorce, and we learned that Katie had sole custody of their 6-year-old daughter, Suri. A source for E! News (and the fact that Suri's suddenly going to a new, mysterious school), however, is making me wonder if that's still the case: "Tom is very happy and relieved that he is moving forward. His priority is being a good father and this settlement will make sure that continues." Hmmm....
We'll keep you posted if any details surface. Regardless, we wish them the best.
xo Haley-O
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