
Kate Hudson looks disheveled? Really?

By HaleyO
Kate Hudson looks disheveled? Really?

She just gave birth, what, a month ago, and they're saying she's looking tired and disheveled? Give the girl a break, she looks FABULOUS!

Here she is (above) out and about with her son Ryder Robinson (7) and fiancé Matthew Bellamy (not in the photo). Ryder's wearing an awesome Star Wars shirt, which my little nephews would totally eat broccoli for. And Kate's wearing a gorj white tunic and no makeup. Probably because when you have a brand new baby, it's a miracle you can get out of the house, let alone apply makeup. (No matter how many nannies you may or may not have, and especially when you know hordes will be scrambling to take your pic!)

Okay, so I may or may not have a terrible cold. And, therefore, this post may or may not itself be disheveled. But I just think it's great that Kate's out and about at this stage post pregnancy, sans makeup (we're looking at you, Natalie Portman! Where are you? We misses you!). So to her I say DISHEVELED NOT! And KUDOS!

Any thoughts on the boots, though...?


xo Haley-O

Photo: Fame Pictures

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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