
Jessica Simpson welcomes a baby girl! And the name is....

It's girl for Jessica Simpson! Finally!

By Haley Overland
Photo by DMac/FF3/FameFlynet Pictures

It's a girl for Jessica Simpson and her fiancé, Eric Johnson! And the name is....

Maxwell Drew Johnson!

Remember way back, Jessica hinted at the baby's name and said it would be "nontraditional"? Well, that is pretty nontraditional. My own daughter's name is traditionally a boy's name too. So I think it's COOL. And "Maxwell"'s a new one!

UPDATE: And we just learned that "Maxwell" is actually Eric's middle name and his grandmother's last name, and "Drew" is Jessica's mother's maiden name. So there you have the mystery explained!

ANYWAY! As Jessica announced in a pretty pink note on her website, Maxwell Drew was born this morning, May 1, weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds, 13 ounces, 21¾ inches long. Here's the rest of her official announcement:


Eric and I are elated to announce the birth of our baby girl, Maxwell Drew Johnson. We are grateful for all the love, support and prayers we have received. This has been the greatest experience of our lives!!

Congrats to the family!

DISCUSS: What do you think of the name Maxwell for a girl?

Love! xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on May 01, 2012

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