Jessica Simpson went on the Katie show and shared photos of her daughter Maxwell wearing a yellow knit bikini — and the world has gone mad!
Oh boy....
Another parenting scandal has hit Hollywood. It didn't take Jessica Simpson, 32, long to trigger mass hysteric criticism of her parenting — much like another unsuspecting celebrity mom, Alicia Silverstone, and her premastication controversy.
Alas, Jessica innocently shared a photo of her 4-month-old daughter Maxwell wearing a yellow knit bikini on Katie Couric's new talk show, Katie. "She's posing," Jessica laughed. "It's her very first time to put on a bikini." Eeek. Poor Jess.
As you'll see in the video below, the audience seemed to love the photo at the time, uttering a group "awwww." But the Internets have been ruthless.
Here's the video....
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