
Jessica Simpson already planning *expensive* post-baby weight loss

Jessica Simpson is in talks with Weight Watchers to lose her pregnancy weight (and more) in return for a giant pay check

By Haley Overland
Jessica Simpson already planning *expensive* post-baby weight loss

...That's Jessica laughing all the way to the bank.

YES. First Jenny McCarthy, then Jennifer Hudson and next Jessica Simpson!

The 31-year-old mom-to-be is in talks with Weight Watchers to act as their next spokesperson in exchange for a whopping FOUR MILLION DOLLAR paycheck. Yes, that's $4,000,000.00!

A source for Us Weekly Magazine leaked the story. Apparently, Jessica was in talks to work with the company some time ago. "But then she got pregnant," the source said, "so this was the perfect compromise."

She'll have one year to "lose a significant amount of weight" using Weight Watchers exclusive points program, according to the source, and then she'll shoot ads for them -- like Jennifer Hudson and Jenny McCarthy, who both lost massive amounts of weight on the program.

Gosh, if someone paid me $4,000,000.00, I could lose my "baby weight," too? Hint...hint...?!

xo HaleyO


This article was originally published on Nov 21, 2011

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