
Jennifer Garner is done having kids

Jennifer Garner speaks candidly about how three kids is definitely enough for her.

By Haley Overland
Jennifer Garner is done having kids

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends! I'm going to be out and about tomorrow, so I'll try to share a little candy this evening (depending on how well bedtime goes), and then catch up with you again in the late afternoon or evening tomorrow. First up? Jennifer Garner says no more kids! Checkit....

But first! How about this photo? It's the first one we've really seen of Samuel's face. He's gorgeous! The perfect mix of his beautiful parents, huh? LOVE! Now checkit....

Though her husband, Ben Affleck, 40, has said he'd love to have more babies, Jennifer Garner, 40, spoke to Conan O'Brien last week on Conan and announced that they're definitely done. While, as we've seen, tons of celebs are getting pregnant over 40, the kitchen is closed for Jennifer.

"We wanted a third and we had a third, and I wouldn't trade him for anything," Garner told the late-night talk-show host of her little guy, Samuel, "But, you know how two feels like six? Three just put me right over the edge."

After Samuel was born, she was so overwhelmed that she felt the urge to ask strangers on the street to come work for her. "Would you please come help me?" she laughed, "Just take a child. Do something."

We all know it's the toughest in the beginning, when a new baby arrives and the whole family's getting adjusted, right? Now that Samuel's eight months old, things are getting smoother for the Butter actress, but that's it! With Violet, 6, Seraphina, 3, and little Samuel, her gorgeous family is complete.

Still, you never know...

xo Haley-O


This article was originally published on Oct 08, 2012

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