
It's a WATERFALL for Brad Pitt!

Angelina has given Brad Pitt a waterfall for his birthday

By Haley Overland
It's a WATERFALL for Brad Pitt!

AAR/Fame Pictures

Finally, an answer to the oft-pondered question: "What to buy the man who has everything?"

You buy him a WATERFALL.

Well, that's what you buy him if you're Angelina Jolie and he's Brad Pitt. Yes, Angelina bought Brad a waterfall in California AND the surrounding area of land (as if the waterfall wasn't enough). It was actually a Christmas AND birthday gift — Brad turned 48 on December 18 — so, I suppose, she had to go BIG.

Apparently, Brad's favourite architect is Frank Lloyd Wright, and Angelina bought the property so Brad can build his ultimate dream home for them and their six kids there — one that resembles Wright's magnificent Fallingwater house, which Brad and Angelina famously visited in 2006.

"Brad has dreamed of a home with the sound of a waterfall cascading under the house.... Brad has always wanted to design his own house," a source for the New York Post explains. "He wants to pull all aspects of nature, light, glass and varying levels into the concept."

"While acting is my career, architecture is my passion," Pitt said back in 2007, after he'd commissioned 13 architecture companies to rebuild an area in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and participated in the building of eco-friendly hotels in Dubai and Spain.

Looks like Angelina got it right....

Happy birthday, Brad!

xo Haley-O

Source; Source; Source

This article was originally published on Jan 03, 2012

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