
It's a girl for Bollywood stars Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan

The Indian megastars have welcomed their first child -- who is sure to be a stunner

By Haley Overland
Fame Pictures

Fame Pictures

The most beautiful baby in the world has been born to two of the most beautiful people in the world, Aishwarya Rai (38) and her hubby Abhishek Bachchan (35).

Seriously, the first time I heard about the former Miss World (1994), and star of over 40 films, Aishwarya Rai, and her handsome hubby Abhishek was when I randomly turned to the Oprah Winfrey Show (which I'd actually boycotted at the time, I digress, because every time I turned it on there was some horror story that would haunt me forever), just as Oprah was introducing the "most beautiful woman in the wooooooorld"! Or something like that. "What's it like being married to the most beautiful woman in the wooooorld?" She asked Abhishek. Yeah. I remember that.

And now Aishwarya has given birth to the most beautiful baby in the woooooorld (aside from yours and mine, of course, Gorgeouses).

Anyway! If she's not the most beautiful baby in the world, then she's definitely the cutest ? or so says her grandfather, Abhishek's dad Amitabh. Earlier today he tweeted:

"I AM DADA to the cutest baby girl !!"


And apparently, he's the cutest grandfather ("DADA") in the world!

No deets on the name or anything at all really yet! I'll keep you posted!

xo Haley-O

PS: Want to boost your Bollywood knowledge? Check out the glam "who's who," brought to you by our friends at Flare Magazine!


This article was originally published on Nov 16, 2011

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