
It's a boy for American Idol Justin Guarini!

By HaleyO
Photo: Rex Features Photo: Rex Features

American Idol runner-up Justin Guarini (32) and wife Reina Capodici welcomed their first child together -- a boy! -- at 6:26 this morning (Tuesday), weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces.

And the name....

William Neki Bell

Handsome! Prince William would be happy to know? D'you think? I think the Prince just may have other things on his mind.... (Squee! Very excited for the big wedding on Friday! Just a little!)

William joins Reina's 5-year-old daughter Lola (from a former relationship).


Justin's actually been up to big things. He just finished his Broadway run of American Idiot (ended Sunday). And now he's a brand new daddy!

Congrats to the family!

Love! xo Haley-O


This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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