
Is your baby a Leia or a Kylo? Let this Star Wars name generator decide

A new baby name generator lets fans of Star Wars pick out boys' and girl's names that are inspired by the sci-fi film franchise.

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Photo: iStockphoto

The latest Star Wars installment opens Friday—to the extreme happiness of fans of the saga. And if you've ever wanted to place yourself a bit deeper into the Star Wars universe, now you can with a clever baby name generator.

The playful minds at Play Like Mum— the makers of Silver Cross prams—have released this random name generator. In just two clicks, you can have a Star Wars-themed name to contemplate monogramming on baby's first blanket. From Kylo to Ren, from Phasma to Poe—your baby can be a tiny starfighter (Dameron) or a First Order troop leader (Hux).

And as it turns out, it's not just all in good fun; more and more parents have actually been giving their kids names ripped from the movie theater.

The name Kylo moved an incredible 2,368 spots in 2016 to number 901. (Of course, Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia and played a prominent role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.)

Rey has also been gaining in popularity, as this Jakku scavenger has been moving up more than 11,000 spots, or 82 percent, on the list of top names for girls in 2016. And, heck—Lucas is now number five on the list of most popular name for boys, perhaps in many cases as an homage to the Star Wars creator, George Lucas? (The list of name for 2017 has yet to be released.)


Not keen on the first Star Wars name the generator spits out? No worries. With names culled from the films, comic books, television series and games, there's a trove in there—the generator can come up with over 15,000 possibilities. So try, try again—until you alight on one that feels like the force is fully with it.

Read more:
Baby names: 100 years of popular choices
28 awesome new Star Wars toys

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