
It's time to find out how dirty your kid's stuffed animal actually is

Washing stuffed animals isn't necessarily at the top of your to-do list, but this celebrity's trick for finding out how dirty that stuffie is may change your mind.

It's time to find out how dirty your kid's stuffed animal actually is

Photo: iStockphoto

Some kids take theirs everywhere they go—they eat, sleep and play with them, and in some cases even chew on them. Your child's beloved stuffed animal has become an important member of the family, and as such it's only fair and hygienic that they get a bath, too.

Comedian Ali Wong decided to do just that for her daughter's favourite stuffie, something she quickly realized she may have put off for a tad too long. You wouldn't believe how dirty this cute, furry little animal was—a simple soak in some water painted a disturbingly accurate picture!

"When you finally hand wash your kid's favorite stuffed animal and the color of the water reflects how long you've neglected to wash that stuffed animal," joked the mom of two in the caption.

What we loved most about Ali's post was her hashtags, because we're definitely in the same boat over here: #Whatever #AntibodiesAreGood4Her. *claps hands while waiting for stuffie bowl to fill with water*

So yes, our kids love their plush toys sometimes even more than us, and they've got the grime to prove it, which is all the more reason to make sure their little friends are safe and clean. Here's what you need to know:


How often should I wash my kid's stuffed animals?

It's up to you how often you wash your child's stuffed animals, but there are definitely some times when it's more crucial than others. Giving them a thorough cleaning any time your little one gets the flu, gastroenteritis, pinworms or head lice is a smart move. If your kid takes their plush friend to daycare, then a weekly wash might be necessary. And frequent rinses are also best for children who suffer from asthma or allergies that can be triggered by the dust trapped in their beloved stuffie's fur.

How to avoid destroying a stuffed animal when washing

  • Read the label for washing guidelines
  • Wash stuffie in a laundry bag or pillow case when using a washing machine
  • Select your washer's gentle cycle
  • Avoid washing in hot water—cool is best
  • Let the stuffed animal air dry
  • If your kid is super attached and you only have one hard-to-replace version, you can dry clean (yes, it's expensive, but the reward is priceless)

Or, do what Ali Wong did: Find out just how dirty your kid's stuffed animal really is by hand washing it. Throw a bit of liquid soap in a bowl of warm water, toss in the stuffie, and watch as it magically turns a shocking shade of gray-brown. If you try it, send us a picture to and we'll feature it on our Instagram feed! Let the great experiment begin!

Read more: How many toys do kids really need? How to clean plastic toys

This article was originally published on Apr 05, 2019

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