
How Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner feel about turning 40

It's Ben Affleck's 40th birthday today! Here's what wife Jennifer Garner says about how he's handling the big 4-0....

By Haley Overland
How Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner feel about turning 40

Happy Birthday, Ben Affleck! WE LOVE YOU! Heheh!

Check out freshly-coiffed Ben Affleck — who's finally, TODAY, caught up to his wife Jennifer Garner and turned 40 — juggling his daughters (Violet, 6.5, and Seraphina, 3.5), his blackberry and a bag of goodies.

He took the girls to the Farmers' Market and Puzzle Zoo toy store in Pacific Palisades, California, earlier this week, while Jennifer was away promoting The Odd Life of Timothy Green (check out our Laura Grande's review of the movie HERE). He does adore his babies! I've got more pics of the excursion for you below.

As Jennifer told David Letterman the other day, she wasn't going to be home today — Ben's big day — until 3 p.m, and Ben lamented that she was "not going to be here in the morning to make my breakfast?" Boohoo. Well, it is his 40th birthday! I'm sure she'll figure out away to make it up to him.

When Letterman asked about how Ben felt turning 40, Jennifer had this to say: "Well . . .I don't know that he's as thrilled with the idea of 40 as I am. I really like it. I had no problem with it. I feel like, what more could I want? I can't speak for him. But it doesn't look like he's as happy as I am about turning 40."

Awww.... And why is he not as happy? "What's the problem?" Letterman asked. "Is it low T?"

"Low T as in low testosterone?" Jennifer giggled. "Are you asking about Ben Affleck's testosterone level? Really, David! He will thump you. Have you seen my husband lately? He is walking testosterone."

Haha! True that!

Here are those additional pics of the farmers' market excursion I promised. They're really sweet. Enjoy!

How Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner feel about turning 40  
How Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner feel about turning 40  
How Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner feel about turning 40  
How Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner feel about turning 40  
How Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner feel about turning 40  

I love how Violet eats the strawberries right off the shelves without washing them. My OCD has never let me (or my kids) do that....

DISCUSS: Are you 40 yet? How do you (or did you) feel about turning the big 4-0?

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Aug 15, 2012

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