
Hands-on celebrity dad of the day: Orlando Bloom

Ahh, Orlando! We love this sometimes-awkwardly attentive celebrity dad

By Haley Overland
Fame Pictures

Fame Pictures

Orlando Bloom took his wee 10-month-old son Flynn out for a walk in the crisp streets of New York City the other day. How cute is that? Orlando's adorable as it is, but put a baby on him and *swoon*! Love!

My husband tried the carrier thing when our kids were babies, but he didn't love it -- even though I got him the same carrier I saw Brad Pitt wearing in a photo.... When he went out with the kids, they were usually in a stroller. How about you? Did your kids' dad take them out in a carrier?

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Nov 04, 2011

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