
Guess which celebrity mom I'm meeting tomorrow....

I'm meeting another celebrity tomorrow at CityLine, and I'll be sure to share all the deets!

By Haley Overland
Guess which celebrity mom I'm meeting tomorrow....

Photo: KM/FameFlynet

Heidi Klum! And we were JUST talking about fashion icons and mothers-of-four who look FABULOUS!

I'm a little flummoxed just thinking about it here — mostly because I don't know exactly what I'm doing tomorrow. Will I shake hands with her? Will I just watch the CityLine segment from the wings? I have NO IDEA. Which is why this is a little nerve wracking....

Also I like the word flummoxed.

Basically, I for-sure get to see her (yay!), but I don't know if I am in or I am out in terms of actually sitting down with her to ask questions. It all depends on timing. And they say timing is tight for Heidi tomorrow....

But, gosh, I love Project Runway and can't WAIT to see her in person! Gahh!


In case time DOES permit, I have a list of questions for Heidi, but I'd love to hear yours. What should I ask HEIDI?

Check me on Twitter — @TodaysParent and @Cheaty — to see what happens! And I'll definitely loop you in here at Celebrity Candy ASAP.

Love! xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Nov 29, 2011

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