
George Clooney arrested and other news

Lots of sweet (and serious) scoop in Hollywood today

By Haley Overland
JLo filming music video with Casper Smart. March 12/2012. Photo by FameFlynet

JLo filming music video with Casper Smart. March 12/2012. Photo by FameFlynet

Hi Gorgeouses!

How about some weekend reading? There's definitely been some sweet and some very serious scoop today — while I was out showing my kids around the Art Gallery of Ontario, building a model airplane (FAIL) and other good stuff on their last day of March Break.

And, warning: You may love George Clooney even more than you already did, since he spent this afternoon in the slammer...for a good cause.


? Why George Clooney got himself arrested | CNN ~ checkit....

? Ex-Kardashian employee joins club of nanny book authors | Huffington Post ~ checkit!

? 42-year-old Jennifer Lopez tells Vogue she’s aware of her cougar status with 24-year-old boyfriend | New York Post ~ checkit!

? Celebrity pregnancy cravings: They want It, we’ve got it | Huffington Post ~ checkit!

? Eden from Toddlers & Tiaras Will Now Sparkle and Shine on Her Very Own Show | Jezebel ~ checkit!

So, what'd you think of these stories...?

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Mar 16, 2012

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