
Family portrait (candid): Alanis Morissette

By HaleyO
Family portrait (candid): Alanis Morissette

Awwwww! Gorgeouses! I had to share. I mean isn't. it. ironic! Bygones. But it kind of is ironic, in an Alanis-Morissette kind of way, that one of the angriest female singers in North American music history should become one of the HAPPIEST! I mean YOU OUGHTTA KNOW was angry, right?

Maybe that's not "ironic," per se. Maybe it's just being in your thirties...? Or becoming a mom. Motherhood definitely agrees with Alanis.

Keep in mind that it's raining again. And you all know now what happens to me when it rains....

Anyway, look at Alanis now, in LA with her happy family. She and hubby Mario "Souleye" Treadway and their son Ever Imre Morissette-Treadway were heading to the LAX airport when this photo was taken (yesterday).

Oy, is Ever ever cute! Cough. So happy for them.


xo Haley-O

Photo: Fame Pictures

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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