
Ellen Pompeo and Stella Luna do lunch

Check out this adorable photo of the Grey's Anatomy star and her toddler

By Haley Overland
Fame Pictures

Fame Pictures

Check out this adorable photo of Ellen Pompeo (42) and little Stella Luna (2), who's looking quite stylish in her green rainboots and chic blue jacket!

Gosh, I can actually say I remember Stella when she was barely walking, when I interviewed Ellen Pompeo around this time last year in a Yorkville (Toronto) hotel. Ellen was holding Stella's hands, guiding her around the room and then sending her on her way with the nanny so we could chat. And look at her now at two years old! Such a big girl. And Ellen looks gorj as ever.

The two of them are photo'd here leaving a restaurant called "Cliff's Edge" in LA, California. Sweet....

I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy in years. What's it like now? Is Meredith Grey still a doctor, or did they boot her in the end...? I have no idea what I'm talking about, bygones. But go ahead, discuss.

xo HaleyO

This article was originally published on Nov 15, 2011

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