Drew Barrymore talks about Valentine's Day during pregnancy, getting a puppy while pregnant, her daughter Olive—and finding hearts in everything.
Is Valentine's Day any different when you're pregnant? Drew Barrymore, 38, who's expecting her second daughter with hubby Will Kopelman, thinks so.
“When you’re pregnant, it’s just so different,” she told People at a Godiva event last Wednesday. “It’ll just be all about food and hanging out. Next year, it’ll be [a] fabulous bottle of wine and maybe something extraordinary.”
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Drew also shared what her 16-month daughter Olive's been up to lately. “I have her in a lot of classes," she said. "I just really like when she’s so open-hearted to people and her surroundings."
And hopefully she's open-hearted with her newwwww puppy! (My kids, ages eight and six, drive our cat and dog BONKERS, that's for sure...)
Read more: Celebrity kids and their pets>
“Our plate is so full right now,” Drew told the mag. “I got a puppy while pregnant with the toddler and my husband was like, 'You are insane!’ I was like, ‘I am!'"
But at least she has everything she needs for the new baby, who's reportedly due in the spring. "I’m relieved I’m having another girl," she shared. "I have everything I need. . . . It’s all about hand-me-downs and room sharing and all that stuff. I’m pretty psyched about that!"
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Drew's been very busy lately promoting her Flower Cosmetics line and, just in time for Valentine's Day, her new coffee-table book Find It in Everything, which features photos Drew has taken of things with heart shapes or patterns in them. She recently tweeted this "heartwarming" photo of Will and Olive—with the caption "Where do you find it?"—and has been encouraging fans to do the same:
Awwwww, sweet!
Tell us: Did you get a pet while pregnant? Tell us about it in the comments, or tweet me @todaysparent and/or @cheaty.
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Haley Overland is a writer/editor at Today's Parent. Our resident celebrity queen, she dishes out all the sweetest scoop on celebrity families at our Celebrity Candy blog. She has interviewed celeb moms like Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba and Jillian Michaels, and has shared her expertise on CTV’s ETalk. Haley also has an award-winning personal blog, CheatyMonkey.com, where she writes about everything from motherhood to yoga, her dog “Betty White” and what it's like to be Clive Owen's girlfriend. Haley has two kids, whom she fondly refers to online as “The Monkey” and “The Rascal.”