
Daniel Craig in drag for Women's Day! (& more)

By HaleyO
Daniel Craig in drag for Women's Day! (& more)

As Kristin Davis put it in a recent blog post for,
International Women's Day is special. In China, women get the day off work. In Bosnia and Italy, women receive gifts of flowers. In Cameroon, women dance in the streets. What will you do on March 8, to make it a special day?
I don't know about you, Gorgeouses, but I've never done anything on International Women's Day. When our editor, Alex Mlynek, suggested we all write a little something-something to commemorate the day, I was surprised and pumped to actually celebrate it. Dancing in the streets anyone?

While Kristin is writing important blog posts imploring women to "join the quiet revolution" and "fight for a truly equal world," others, like Annie Lennox, Cheri Lunghi, Jude kelly and Bianca Jagger are taking the streets!

The ladies released doves into the air at an event called Join Me at the Bridge, which took place earlier to day in London, England. "I'm honoured to be taking part in the Join Me on the Bridge campaign," says Dr. Helen Pankhurst (granddaughter of Sylvia Pankhurst and great granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst), "standing strong with women around the world in demanding equality between the sexes – as my great-grandmother did 100 years ago."

Annie Lennox has also written a post for Reuters International Women's Day "live blog." "It shocks, disappoints and angers me," writes Lennox, "that in a world where man has travelled to the moon and where we can connect to people anywhere on earth instantly online, men and women are still not equal." You can read the rest of the passionate post HERE.

Finally, here's some Daniel Craig and Judy Dench (narrating) for WOMEN'S DAY. It's a very powerful video...CHECKIT!


xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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