
These Christmas memes are a well-deserved break from all the stress

For parents, the holiday season is no joke... except when it is.

These Christmas memes are a well-deserved break from all the stress

Photo: Instagram/mommy.hooding

'Tis the season to be... jolly? More like: completely overwhelmed, totally stressed and exhausted from the absurdity of trying to stay positive and come up with new Elf on the Shelf ideas in the middle of a pandemic. (Regardless, we've got one below that'll give you delivery-room flashbacks, and is sure to scare your kids straight.) The holidays are equal parts magic and misery, and we feel your pain on the latter, so we've rounded up some of the funniest Christmas memes that show you're not alone—and will hopefully give you the laugh you need right now.

This article was originally published on Dec 17, 2021

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