
Charlize Theron and baby Jackson: Indoor playground outing

Charlize Theron and one-year-old Jackson head to an indoor playground for some fun mommy-and-me time. Sweet!

By Haley Overland
Charlize Theron and baby Jackson: Indoor playground outing

Anyone else feeling the February blahs?

Here in Toronto we're heading into Family Day weekend, and I've never looked forward to a long weekend more! Until then, though, things are busy-busy here at Today's Parent Magazine with the launch of our Healthy Family Challenge — join now and you might win a big prize, plus it's really fun and informative, and everybody's doing it!

So for now, I give you this gorj photo of actress Charlize Theron, 37, and her adorable baby boy, Jackson, who recently turned one (and had a superhero birthday party!).

They're photo'd here on their way to an indoor playground in West Hollywood, California, earlier this week. Fun!

Looks like Charlize's hair is growing in nicely since she shaved it all off for the latest installation of Mad Max — love the new coif.

Sweet duo. Jackson is adorable!

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Feb 14, 2013

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