
Charlie Sheen...and Denise Richards & kids

By HaleyO
Charlie Sheen...and Denise Richards & kids

Denise Richards and her kids have been going through a lot lately with all the scandal surrounding Charlie Sheen (Denise's kids' dad).

I didn't want to get into it here..., but, basically, their dad Charlie Sheen.... You know what? Here it is from Charlie's mouth to your computer screen: HERE. In a nutshell? Charlie was found naked in a ransacked hotel room -- reportedly high on cocaine drunk. The hotel was ransacked because the naked Charlie and the prostitute who was apparently with him were fighting frantically over a missing watch.... Egad. Anyway.

It's, I (hate to) suppose, no wonder Charlie and wife Brook Mueller announced their divorce just days later.... Alas, the two have 1.5-year-old twins together, and Brook is seeking primary custody with visitation rights for Charlie.

You wanted gossip...! And I so didn't want to get into this! Ah well. Twist my arm....

Note? Ever since Charlie and Lola? I can't say ChaRlie. It's CHAWLIE! "But, CHAWLIE!" *Bygones.*

Anyway, on a lighter, more Today's Parent-y note, check out Charlie's former wife Denise Richards and their little girls, Lola (5) and Sam (6, pictured below), enjoying some sweet puppy love at a pet adoption event for Best Friend's Animal Society.

Denise (39) really is ridiculously gorj.... She apparently was there to lend her gorj face to photos with pups who need homes.

After the event, she tweeted: "Great event for Best Friends animal Society @BFAS thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event. my girls loved it!!"

By the way, have you met my puppy, Betty White? She needed a home, so we gave her one. And now she's terrorizing the cats (that's another story).



xo Haley-O


This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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