
Celebrity crush of the day is... (Survivor spoiler)

By HaleyO

BOSTON ROB! There he is (above) with his wife Amber Brkich, who also won Survivor several years back -- beating out Rob, but also falling in love with him. So romantic!

Honestly? I was going on about it on Twitter last night like a crazed fan. I love @bostonrob, Rob Mariano (35), who beyond deservedly took home Survivor's $1 million prize last night. Love love love.

Yes, I watched this entire season of Survivor literally on the edge of my seat because I love Brilliant Rob so much. And he won. Against all odds he won! And, to quote the show's host Jeff Probst, Rob's game was "as close to a perfect game as anyone's played"  in the 22 seasons of Survivor. Yeeeeeessss!

Here's an interview Rob did this morning, talking about Amber and the kids -- while still basking in the glow of his win!

Rob has two kids, Lucia Rose (22 months) and Carina Rose (5 months). Rumour has it he's doing another reality TV show -- this time with the History Channel -- that will, alas, take him away from his wife and kids again. But, let's see what happens there before we make judgment calls, right? I mean, it's a living. And, at least for me, Rob can do no wrong. *Swoon*!



xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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