
Can you guess the mystery celebrity surrogacy?

There is apparently a high-profile mystery surrogate pregnancy situation happening in NYC.... Any guesses?

By Haley Overland
Can you guess the mystery celebrity surrogacy?

Gorgeouses, I don't like to write about rumours so much (there are some seriously SCANDY ones in Hollywood,* I tell ya). But this was brought to my attention the other day, and my friends and colleagues had a fun time trying to guess who this mystery celebrity couple is. So I thought I'd share it with you.

According to, a mystery celebrity surrogacy has surfaced. The surrogate mom is apparently Spanish (possibly Portuguese), has "thick, dark brown hair and medium-colored skin," and she's having a mystery celebrity couple's baby.

The mystery celebrity couple flew her into New York "from outside the United States." She's a single mom, living in a nice apartment, which they pay for, complete with a fulltime staff person, and a doctor or nurse on call around the clock. "She looks like she is approximately eight months pregnant," hints, "and is clearly much bigger than the Mom, who is simply playing pregnant...." Hmm, there has been some major speculation....

"By the way," they add, "the Mom was physically capable of bearing her own child, but she didn’t want to 'ruin' her body." Oh, booo....

Any guesses, Gorgeouses? 8 months pregnant.... I don't know. They seem to REALLY really REALLY be implying it's Beyonce and Jay-Z.... I don't want to believe it! Too many lies.... Too much spectacle. Remember the big AMAs announcement? "I want you to feel the love that's growing inside of me"?? All that belly rubbing? Jay-Z jumping up and down with Kanye backstage?? It can't be! What do you think?

xo Haley-O

*By the way, I can't take credit for SCANDY. That's Cosmo Radio host Taylor Strecker's fancy word for "scandal" -- LOVES IT!

This article was originally published on Dec 19, 2011

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