
Bump watch: Jessica Simpson and her sister Ashlee will be in Toronto this weekend

Scarf, leggings, all-black. We're watching Jessica's growing bump AND her maternity fashions...

By Haley Overland
Bump watch: Jessica Simpson and her sister Ashlee will be in Toronto this weekend

Fame Pictures

And..., a little birdie just told me Jessica Simpson and her sister Ashlee are going to be in Toronto this weekend! Yes, they'll be at the Bay on Queen Street, December 3rd (in the afternoon), promoting the new Jessica Simpson Girls apparel line. I'll try to make it down there and snap some photos for us. I'll get my son to bat his long blond eyelashes for them, and maybe score us an interview question or two? Maybe while I'm down there I'll buy a hat and some gloves — it's cold outside!

And maybe I'll borrow some of Jessica's style, which I actually admire...! She looks fabulous walking the streets of NYC (yesterday) in that big scarf, enormous sunglasses, fabulous cream sweater, leggings (do I dare try leggings?) and the fancy bag.... I could pull that off, no? Do I dare?

Check our Celebrity Candy and Twitter (@todaysparent and @cheaty) for more deets on the Simpson event. I'm emailing some peeps right now!

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Nov 29, 2011

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