
Aishwarya Rai sends powerful message to Indian moms-to-be: Never too posh or too old to push

In an apparently radical move, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan did not have a Caesarian section. And doctors in India are rejoicing

By Haley Overland
Aishwarya Rai sends powerful message to Indian moms-to-be: Never too posh or too old to push

Photo: Flame Pictures

This just in from The Times of India! Apparently, Indian docs are making a major deal out of Aishraya Rai Bachchan's "bold" natural birth.

When the 38-year-old Bollywood superstar, also known as the most beautiful woman in the wooooorld!, pushed out her first child without going under the knife last Wednesday, doctor's say she sent a powerful message to the moms-to-be of India, particularly the moms-to-be over 35 -- since a whopping 65% of them are (often unnecessarily) sent for C-sections....

The president of the Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society, Dr. Nozer Sheriar, was particularly excited that Aishwarya went this route. "Sometimes, an older mother is not given a choice by the doctor on whether she would like to deliver normally," he told The Times. "It is taken for granted that older women should have Caesarean deliveries.... Now mothers-to-be will be aware of what they can and should do." "It's a bold step on the part of two bold women," said Dr Firuza Parikh (of Mumbai's great Jaslok hospital) of both Aishwarya and her obstetrician, Dr. Vinita Salvi of Seven Hills Hospital in Andheri (a suburb in Mumbai).

Love! xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Nov 21, 2011

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