
A peek at *James Franco* at TIFF 2011!

By HaleyO
A peek at *James Franco* at TIFF 2011!

Yes, that's about all I got as I was walking down the stairs after sitting beside Heather Graham and catching her cold (heh) at The Flying Machine gala -- a peek at James Franco. He was doing a press conference for Memories of Idaho. And I will have you know that I was almost pushed down the stairs while snapping this photo. THAT, Gorgeouses, is how much I love you.... Checkit.

For you, with love: James Franco....

How much do we love him, Gorgeouses? Shall we count the ways? Almost as much as Clive Owen.... You can thank me in the comments...?


xo Haley-O

Photo: Haley Overland /

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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