
Three-year-old belts out Part of Your World (and we can barely handle it)

Look at this video, isn't it neat? Check out this amazing preschooler singing "Part of Your World."

Three-year-old belts out Part of Your World (and we can barely handle it)

Some important things happened in 1989. Taylor Swift was born, obvie. But it was also the year the Disney flick The Little Mermaid hit the big screen and floundered (see what we did there!) into our hearts.

Before Let it Go, millennials were passionately singing Ariel's power ballad, Part of Your World. We learned new words like reprimand and sang them with a vengeance. Now there's a new girl on the scene, plucking at our nostalgic heart strings with her incredible version of the classic song.

Don't get her wrong, three-year-old Claire Ryann Crosby loves Let it Go and all things Frozen, but she's got a special spot in her heart for the classics, too. Her passion for land (cause she's ready to staaaaand) was first discovered during an oil change. Her father, Dave, turned to see his daughter passionately belting out the tune in the lobby, while strangers filmed the adorbs display on their phones. That's when Dad decided to make this amazing recording.

You're going to want to watch this at least 22 times (we definitely contributed to a lot of those 2-plus million hits).

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This article was originally published on Jan 25, 2016

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Amy is a freelance writer and editor based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in publications like Chatelaine, Toronto Life and The Globe and Mail

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