
The curse of motherhood: Sienna Miller gets real about parenting

Newly single actress Sienna Miller opens up about mom-guilt and the not-so-glamorous realities of parenting.

Image courtesy of Vogue Image courtesy of Vogue

Actress Sienna Miller, 33, looking gorgeous in red on the cover of the October issue of British Vogue Magazine, and opening up about the not-so-glam realities of motherhood.

In the interview, Sienna, who's mom to three-year-old Marlowe (with with her boyfriend of four years, actor Tom Sturridge—sighhh, with whom she just broke up over the summer), says the past year has been "really quite overwhelming . . . just with the volume of everything going on."

"Everything's shifting," she tells the mag. "It's actually been the sh*ttiest year, and amazing. It's always yin and yang. I feel like if you're excelling in one area, it's hard to manage both and I do feel like the work is going really well."

Her career really has been soaring with hit movies like American Sniper and Foxcatcher—and she's got quite a few coming up in 2015, like the much-buzzed-about Burnt co-starring Bradley Cooper. But how to balance all that success with now single parenthood?

"Obviously when you have a baby it's the most incredible experience but your life is also catapulted into this chaos and you are exhausted," she says. "I could literally get on this table and fall asleep." We know the feeling!

The curse of motherhood: Sienna Miller gets real about parenting Photo: Rex Features

"I'd like to be better at managing things," she adds. "I'd like to be more super—although we're never going to feel it, even if we are. That's the curse of motherhood—we just run ourselves ragged. I'm just trying to get a sense of what that guilt is. I sometimes feel like it's a totally invented emotion. It's strange to be punishing ourselves this way. It's not healthy."

Hmm, guilt as a "totally invented emotion." I like that. I think three is a tough age, too. We still run ourselves ragged, but it gets better. Really, it does.

Read more of the Sienna Miller interview over at Vogue.

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This article was originally published on Sep 09, 2015

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Haley Overland is a writer/editor at Today's Parent. Our resident celebrity queen, she dishes out all the sweetest scoop on celebrity families at our Celebrity Candy blog. She has interviewed celeb moms like Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba and Jillian Michaels, and has shared her expertise on CTV’s ETalk. Haley also has an award-winning personal blog,, where she writes about everything from motherhood to yoga, her dog “Betty White” and what it's like to be Clive Owen's girlfriend. Haley has two kids, whom she fondly refers to online as “The Monkey” and “The Rascal.”

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