
Sorry Justin and Sophie, but Hadrien is the coolest Trudeau

Like a typical toddler, Hadrien isn't impressed by all the super important people he's meeting in Washington. And it's amazing!

Etalk Photo: Etalk via Twitter

So the Trudeaus, all five of them, arrived in Washington yesterday (March 9) for an official visit. And everyone was talking about Sophie's gorgeous all-Canadian-outfit and how amazing it will be to see Barack and Justin together. But we are busy obsessing over two-year-old Hadrien. This is a major state occasion and like a typical toddler, he does not care. Look at his face.

Photo: Justin Trudeau via Twitter Photo: Justin Trudeau via Twitter

Hello, my people!

Photo: @davidsunlee via Twitter Photo: @davidsunlee via Twitter

And here he is hanging with The Weeknd. He could care less, he's more interested in the food.

Photo: Adam Scotti via Twitter Photo: Adam Scotti via Twitter

No biggie, he's just meeting President Barack Obama...with his shirt untucked. Total boss!

Basically, Hadrien is the best part of this tour. Hands down.


Read more:
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau is still breastfeeding her toddler like a boss

This article was originally published on Mar 10, 2016

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