
Santa uses sign language to find out what little girl wants for Christmas

Santa made this little girl's day.

Santa uses sign language to find out what little girl wants for Christmas

Every year, most kids look forward going to that special trip to the mall where they get to sit on Santa's lap for a few seconds. It's their golden opportunity to let him know exactly what they want for Christmas.

This little girl is no different. You can tell by the smile on her face that she's happy to be sitting with the man in red. Her mother lets Santa know that her daughter, who has hearing problems, "can't talk very well," so he asks "can she sign at all?" What happens next is surprising and super heartwarming.

If this doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will. Her beaming face as she tells Santa she wants a scooter for Christmas is just too cute. Santa truly does care for everyone on the "nice" list, and I'm pretty sure that he just made this little girl's Christmas extra special.

Read more: The baby was nestled all snug in Santa's lap> I'm not telling my big kid the truth about Santa> 6 creative treats to leave for Santa>

This article was originally published on Dec 07, 2015

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