
Our 10 favourite viral moments of 2016

Angry babies, Dubsmash, Hillary Clinton, a weird cake and adult diapers: 2016, a year in review.

By Today's Parent
Our 10 favourite viral moments of 2016

Two-thousand sixteen—what a year. It wasn't the best, but at least in those crummy moments we could turn to the Internet for a good laugh and reality check. Here are our favourite viral moments from 2016:

1. That one time Jennifer Garner told kids to "Go the F*ck to Sleep"

Jen is by the pool and reciting lines, with her calming voice and sweet dimpled smile, from the the bestselling book, Go the F**ck to Sleep.

“The cats nestle close to their kittens, The lambs have lain down with their sheep, You’re cozy and warm in your bed my dear, Now go the f**k to sleep.”

2. That time when parents everywhere took inspiration from Hillary Clinton's debate face



We still stand by these seven times parents should channel her facial expressions.

3. When this vertically challenged grandma fell into the crib 

She took co-sleeping to a whole other level. Lucky for us, no one was hurt and it was all caught on video via the baby monitor.

4. Let's not forget about the baby whose hair sparked a meme war

Photo: Imgur Photo: Imgur

You could only dream of having hair like this.

5. Or the time #PhelpsFace reminded every parent of their toddler


Ya know, that face your toddler makes every. Single. Day.

6. On that angry note, what about when this angry baby went viral? 

We didn’t think a baby could suffer from resting b*tch face. Someone cheer this little guy up!


7. Remember when Dubsmash was a thing? Well, in its glory days, one dad created the most epic videos with his baby and the results were hilarious

From Star Wars references to lip-syncing Adele, these Dubsmash videos definitely kept mom entertained while she was at work and missing her baby.

8. How about when this mom and dad faced off on who can get their kids ready for bed the fastest?

We’re exhausted just watching these parents try to put their toddler and triplet babies to bed.

9. The prize for the weirdest birthday cake request definitely goes to the little boy obsessed with the show The Incredible Dr. Pol.

Photo: Jamie Packard Photo: Jamie Packard

When it came time to request a birthday cake, there was really only one option: A “cow having a calf,” obvie. #CakesLoblawsDoesntSell

10. And last but not least, who could forget this bad*ss mom.

Photo: Amanda via Facebook Photo: Amanda via Facebook

Talk about the most real postpartum photo ever. We’re all giving this mom one giant slow-clap because she’s amazing.

Read more: 16 touching holiday commercials that are giving us all the feels 30 holiday movies for the family This preemie survived thanks to ‘Harry Potter’ so J. K. Rowling sent her a special gift

This article was originally published on Dec 12, 2016

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