More than 20 years after Dr. Seuss's death, a new book from the beloved author is being published! "What Pet Should I Get?" will hit bookstores this summer.
Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Come July, Random House will be publishing a new Dr. Seuss book more than 20 years after the beloved children's author's death, with two more books to follow.
What Pet Should I Get? follows the brother and sister duo from the classic One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish as they take a trip to a pet shop where, of course, they can't choose just one pet. According to reports, the author's wife and secretary were rummaging around his old papers when they stumbled across the manuscript and loads of accompanying illustrations.
Dr. Seuss’s former art director, Cathy Goldsmith, thinks the book was written and illustrated between 1958 and 1962 because it features the characters from Red Fish Blue Fish, which was published in 1960.
News of the release has travelled fast, with New York Daily News staffers writing about the book in Seuss-inspired rhyme, and creating this super-fun vine video:
Oh me, oh my, we can hardly contain our excitement! Check out for more info.
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