
Mo'ne Davis's response to cyberbully who called her a slut is amazing

After a Bloomsburg University baseball player called Mo'ne Davis a slut on Twitter, she responded with kindness and compassion.

mone-davis-response Photo: Sports Illustrated

Mo'ne Davis is one awesome teenager. At 13, she was one of only two girls to play in the 2014 Little League World Series (amazing!) and the only girl to ever pitch a shutout game (even more amazing!). So naturally The Disney Channel is making a movie about her inspiring story.

But Bloomsburg University first baseman Joey Casselberry wasn't impressed with this news and decided to take to Twitter to voice his displeasure. 

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The tweet is disgusting and it's not surprising that Bloomsberg University dismissed Casselberry from the team. But Mo'ne asked for him to be reinstated. Yes, you read that right—she wants him back on the team. Here's what she told the University:

"While I admit I was pretty hurt when I read his comments, I felt sad that he was dismissed from the team... I am sure Joey Casselberry has worked very hard to get where he is and dreams of playing in the major leagues. For this reason, I'm asking you to please allow him back on the team so that he can continue to chase his dream. He made one dumb mistake. I'm sure he would go back and change it if he could."

Wow. As an adult, I don't think I'd respond to this sort of attack with such kindness. To see a teen respond to bullying with compassion instead of anger is incredibly humbling. We could all learn something from this wise girl.


Read more:
How your kid can help stop bullying> CSIS helps 6-year-old become secret agent> Cyberbullying: Kids read mean tweets and it's heartbreaking> 

This article was originally published on Mar 24, 2015

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