
7 ways to reassure your child after frightening news events

Our expert offers tips to help reassure your child when tragic events in the news or near home.

Boy stares off as mother talks to him Photo: iStockphoto

It’s hard to know how or if to address scary events kids see on the news. So we talked to Neena McConnico, director of the Child Witness to Violence Project at Boston Medical Center, who counselled children in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon tragedy, to find out how parents can help their children understand the situation in age-appropriate terms and support them in the days after the event.

Keep the explanation simple

Children don’t need to know every detail about the situation, but they will need answers to their questions. “Acknowledge that something scary has happened, but explain that the community is working hard to find the ‘bad guy,’” says McConnico. “Make sure they understand that the adults around them will keep them safe.” Older kids with the cognitive capacity to reason and think things through may require more of an explanation, but it’s still important to avoid over sharing. Too much information will just provoke anxiety.

Limit exposure to the media

“Parents should turn off the TV, if they can tolerate it,” McConnico advises. “Some parents may need to get frequent updates to feel at ease, but they should use their phones, tablets or computers to ensure their kids don’t see anything.” It’s also important to limit conversations about the event, in the house or on the phone; little ears hear more than you might think.

Don’t lie

It may be tempting to avoid talking about the situation altogether, but it will come out in their peer group eventually—especially if kids have to stay home from school. “Lying ramps up the anxiety more,” says McConnico, because children are attuned to the change in routine and know that something is up. Also, if the news event ends in the death or injury of the subject, explain that the person was hurt or killed when the police tried to catch them. How the suspect was harmed doesn’t need to be explained.

Comfort and nurture

Kids may be a little more clingy than usual, which McConnico assures is completely normal. Be ready with extra hugs and comforting words.


Be sensitive in the days to follow

After the situation has ended, try to return to regular routine quickly, as the predictability will help with any uneasiness. If your child is having a particularly difficult time, explain that the incident was rare and won’t happen every day. “It’s important for parents and caregivers to recognize their own level of anxiety, too,” says McConnico. “Kids feed off of adult cues, so if your regular coping mechanisms for stress aren’t working, see your doctor or a local mental-health clinic.” The same goes for kids. If your child is struggling to move past the experience, speak to a medical professional for next steps.

Be consistent with messaging

Touch base with teachers when kids return to school so everyone is giving the same message of safety and security. Your child may have lockdown drills they haven’t experienced before, so reassure him or her that it’s just like a fire drill in an effort to normalize the practice.

Encourage your child to do something positive to help, when appropriate

Some kids may benefit from reaching out in a concrete way, like sending condolence cards or making a donation to a trust for families of the victims. “But this is the parent’s call,” says McConnico. “It can be calming and helpful, or it may drive anxiety. Families have to do what feels right to them.”

For more information, check out these resources:

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network:


The Child Witness to Violence Project:

The Canadian Academy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry:

The Hospital for Sick Children Psychiatry Dept:

Read more: Talking to your kids about tragedy Why I don't shield my kids from the news

This article was originally published on Jun 05, 2017

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Katie is a Toronto-based writer and editor. She is currently the managing director at Chick & Owl Design Company. More of her work can be found in publications like Parents Canada and Financial Post

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