An Alabama mom apologized for her kids' bad behaviour on Facebook. What happened after that is pretty amazing.
To interfere or not to interfere, that is a parent's question. This mom decided she had to.
When Kyesha Smith Wood's son came home after a movie date with his two sisters and told her how badly the girls were misbehaving during the show, she was beside herself. Her son told her that during the movie his sister and step-sister were being "rude and obnoxious," talking throughout it, despite a plea for some silence from a woman who had approached them. Instead of quieting down the girls retaliated with churlishness.
Wood was so upset by the girls' bad behaviour, she felt compelled to find the woman they offended and apologize. She posted this apology:
© Provided by Mom.meThe apology was shared so many times Wood got in touch with the woman from the theatre in just 24 hours. And the mom, Rebecca Boyd, graciously accepted her apology. When both moms met with each other for they were nothing but friendly with each other.
Boyd explained that when she told the girls, "We paid for this movie just like you did. Could you just, kind of, keep it down?" they "just kind of laughed." Wood responded by saying, "That broke my heart... It made me feel a lot of shame and embarrassed."
Taking the problem into her own hands (er... social media's?) worked for this mom, but what do you think? Should she have handled it this way, or should she have used a different tactic to make this an educational experience for her kids?
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