
How to talk to your kids about Mayor Rob Ford, Part 2

Here's Today's Parent online managing editor, Nadine Silverthorne, on how to talk to your kids about the latest developments in the Rob Ford scandal.

By Today's Parent

In light of the latest development in the Rob Ford scandal, our Today's Parent online managing editor, Nadine Silverthorne, spoke to CityNews about how parents can tackle the topic of the Toronto Mayor, his actions and explicit remarks, with their kids.

Indeed, whether you expect it or not, many kids are coming home asking questions — because they're hearing about it at school, or because their field trip to City Hall has been cancelled, etc. And, in the age of social media, teens and tweens, in particular, are going to hear things... hear everything, no matter what city they live in.

Take it away, Nadine!

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Have your kids asked questions about Rob Ford? What kinds of questions are they asking, and what are you telling them?

Read more: How to talk to your kids about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford>

This article was originally published on Nov 15, 2013

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