Barbie's ready to take on the world of STEM.
We all know Barbie to be the doll who can do and be anything. Barbie's been a dentist, an astronaut, a teacher, a fashion designer, a vet—she's done it all. But it wasn't until now that Barbie got into game developing.
That's right—Mattel has now joined the 21st century and has released a game developer Barbie. She comes complete with a tablet, laptop, headset, a realistic outfit and the coolest glasses. Her desk setup is pretty sweet too: He-Man and She-Ra action figures are lined up on her shelf, she's got a mug ready for her coffee or tea, and her screen displays an awesome new game she's working on (it even shows some of her coding!).
This is a huge improvement over Mattel's 2010 release of Computer Engineering Barbie, which was a massive disappointment. Not only did Computer Engineering Barbie come equipped with pink everything (headphones, computer, glasses, EVERYTHING!), the doll came with a book called Barbie: I Can Be a Computer Engineer. Its anti-feminist undertone drew unwanted attention for Mattel that lead the company to issue an apology for publishing it in the first place. The book portrays Barbie in a negative light as she gives Skipper a computer virus and seeks out the help of two boys for her school project (ugh!).
Mattel has finally got it right. Game Developer Barbie is an independent woman who doesn't need boys to help her. She's a professional who works on realistic games. And best of all, she will inspire many girls to enter the STEM fields.
Read more:
How to raise a feminist
Why girls need STEM and why STEM needs girls
18 STEM books your kids will love
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Emily is a content and social strategist, writer, editor and producer based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in Chatelaine and on FLAREdotcom.