Get your tissues ready! Watch as these men find out they're going to be dads for the first time!
“I’m gonna be a dad?!” is a sentence that changes everything for men. And a new Dove ad captures that exact moment on film. Be prepared to melt from cuteness.
The looks on these men’s faces are priceless. The sheer happiness they feel when they realize they’re about to become dads is so clear.
Sometimes people forget how excited guys get at the prospect of being parents. They are literally over the moon.
Check out the crying new dad at 0:39 (you’ll cry with him) and the dad at 0:48 (swoooon).
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Ashley is a bookstore owner and photographer based in Ottawa, Ontario. She currently works as a photographer for Your Story Creative Co., a freelance social media manager, and a store manager in training at Starbucks.