
If I die, tell Mama I love her: Two girls freak out on a roller coaster

Your first time on a roller coaster can be a bit traumatic. And for these two sweet girls, it definitely was. Watch their priceless reactions.

If I die, tell Mama I love her: Two girls freak out on a roller coaster

It feels a bit mean to laugh at this video, but we kind of can't help ourselves. These two adorable young girls went on their first slingshot roller coaster, and it's safe to say they won't be going on one again anytime soon.

At first, the girls seem pretty excited. But when the ride starts slinging, they start screaming. And professing their love for mom! Watch to see their priceless reactions.

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Meet the baby who hates Let It Go 6 videos of kids dancing=total cuteness Watch: Obama talks prototypes, brainstorming with 6-year-old girls 

This article was originally published on Apr 10, 2015

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