“Don’t eat beans...cause you’ll fart.”
If you don't already love British actor Idris Elba, you will after you watch him get hilarious dating advice from some adorable kids. The actor is currently participating in a charity campaign with Omaze to help girls in Sierra Leone go to school by raffling off a Valentine's Day date with him. To prepare for his upcoming romantic evening, Elba went straight to the masters of love—kids!
The pint-sized romantics did not disappoint. One little heartbreaker even bragged about having 25 boyfriends. They had some pretty insightful tips, and we could probably all learn a thing or two, so grab a pen and paper.
First things first, always act like a "bad guy." One little cutie made a pretty convincing case as to why a nerdy goody-two-shoes with glasses, suspenders, "ugly trousers" and a "babyish watch" is not a look Elba should be going for.
Another relationship guru advises Idris to take the lucky lady to a place she likes, "like a girl concert," pay for everything and always agree with everything she says. PREACH, sister!
"Don't eat beans," cautioned another expert. "Cause you'll fart."
Idris also got an amazing lesson in how to do the Criss Cross dance, which is clearly the perfect dance to impress your crush. And you've gotta see him attempt to rap as a means of confessing his love to someone. A for effort, Idris. But maybe just stick to acting.
But our favourite part was the look on Elba's face when one kid admitted her ideal date would be with James Bond, a role that Elba is rumoured to be taking over soon. Well, aim high, little one; there's no smoother date than Bond... he'd never order beans.
Read more: Kid talk: What is true love? Stephen Colbert discusses the presidential election with little kids 6 dating tips for single parents
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